- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
The Yawning Portal
The Yawning Portal is a famous inn and tavern located in the Castle Ward of Waterdeep. Adventurers can meet all sorts of colorful characters here.
The place is a stone building with a slate roof and several chimneys. Most of the ground floor is taken up by the tavern’s common room, which contains a 40-foot-diameter open well (actually the outer shell of a sunken stone tower) that descends 140 feet to the first level of Undermountain, the sprawling dungeon under Waterdeep. A rope-and-pulley mechanism is used to lower adventurers into the well and hoist them out. More information about this entrance to Undermountain can be found in Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage.
The upper floors of the Yawning Portal contain comfortable, nicely appointed rooms for guests.
Durnan, the proprietor, charges standard prices for food, drink, and lodging.
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License details for "The Yawning Portal"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Collecting glassess by By Mariusz jasionowicz - RareSound Production - www.raresound.co.uk +)
- Fireplace by dobride from http://freesound.org +)
- Bar Crowd by https://www.freesound.org/people/lonemonk/ +)
- banging door by MAJ061785 at freesounds.org +)
- Footsteps on Wood by Mydo1 from http://www.freesound.org +)
- chair creaking by N3xia from https://www.freesound.org/people/n3xia/sounds/111726/ +)
- Medieval Dance Sequence by Paul Arden-Taylor at Museopen.org +)
- Pouring water into glass by RareSound - www.raresound.co.uk +)