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The Halls Of Wrath, ROTRL
My take on Book 5, Part 8 the Halls of Wrath.
Runeforge containeds seven different halls, each associated with a specific Runelord. In the 10,000 years that have passed since the Runelords disappeared the residents of these halls have been kept alive by the Runeforge's powerful magic, but the long years have taken their toll on the sanity of the residents of these halls. Their hate and resentment of each other had continued to burn bright though, and each had kept their secrets through the many years. A hall designed for Alaznist, Runelord of Wrath
Feeling that the space was more enclosed and very infused with magic. I wanted to focus on amp'ing up a feeling of entrapment that feels like enclosed within space itself. I tried to keep ambient music down and more to imply the silence of Wrath waiting.
I have placed a large metal clang set for random repeats as a alarm used to alert other areas of attack. I have placed this on Mute, to start. I plan to remove the mute when needed.
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License details for "The Halls Of Wrath, ROTRL"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Dark Sci Fi Ambiance 01 by Fox Forrester +)
- Distant Sci Fi Clatterings by Fox Forrester +)
- Cinematic drone 1 by jordivburgel +)
- ezerbee-deep-sp by Jovica +)
- space ambience by Sonic Sculptor from http://freesound.org +)
- Metal Impact scary by soundsnap.com *)
*) Soundsnap.com license