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Sustroth Opening
Welcome to Sustroth(Sus-Throth). Located in the western hemisphere of Chrogoth (CROW-Goth), Sustroth is primarily made up of three land masses. Settled to the south, The Ebon Realm, home to the Iron Rise mountains where the dwarves have lived for hundreds of centuries inside of Stonefell. The lawless Didswater Point to its east and the Langcola (Lan-Cola) Wilds to its West. North east of the Realm lies The Twlight Province. Home to swampy terrain, vast pine forests and the mountain city of Windale with its iron fist providing governance to the land. West of the Twilight lies Summers Reach. These lands are the most coveted in this part of Chrogoth with its fertile farm lands, many rivers and other abundant resources. The capital, Casden Valley, is the home of Quentin Damon-Cowles, King of the Reach,
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