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Fallout RPG -- NCR Camp
"You arrive at the border of Nevada, with Vegas at your back, and the NCR border control in front of you.
The camp is busy, with merchants and their Brahmin milling about, or simply just groups of travellers. Each of them look dissatisfied, to say the least, with the new regulations that have been put in place by the New Californian Republic.
Ever since the Battle for Hoover Dam, their intense quest to unite the West Coast has made many reconsider their loyalties.
Not wanting to be caught up in the traps of paperwork and taxes that the Republic have been enforcing, many have tried to turn east, some more discreetly than others, only to be caught by the border patrol.
Now, you have been greeted by an NCR soldier, requesting that you go through checks that meet up with ridiculous standards before you leave Nevada. These could take up to a week, maybe more.
What do you do?
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Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Wind in the Grass by ciccarelli from http://www.freesound.org +)
- Desert wind1 by ERH from freesound.org +)
- Geiger Counter by Fox Forrester +)
- Boot Camp by GuardianSoldier +)
- Howitzer - Overhead, Distant by GuardianSoldier +)
- General Murmur - Echoey Space by peridactyloptrix +)
- broken 20s record by RKLawrence +)
- Cows mooing by www.soundsnap.com *)
*) Soundsnap.com license