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A Night with the Nein
Your first day traveling with this roving band of adventurers comes to a close and as you drift off to sleep you can hear them going about their business. One of them scratches away at a spell or doodle. One of them takes the time to sharpen their blade. One of them is preparing ingredients for one spell or another. The person who agreed to take watch with you later in the night breathes softy beside you and Caleb has offered the calming services of Frumpkin to aid you in your healing rest.
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License details for "A Night with the Nein"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Quill on Paper by 6polnic on +)
- Sword Sharpening by allsoundeff +)
- Mortar and Pestle grinding tea by DarkJoker +)
- Cloth in Breeze by +)
- Man breathing asleep nk by harleto from +)
- Campfire in the dark forest by +)
- Cat purring in bed nk by tuffy2k5 from +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License
Image from: Hanna Schroy @elefluff on Twitter